in situ at Drill Hall ANU, MIND & MATTER, a 15 year survey exhibition 2010 in situ at Drill Hall ANU, MIND & MATTER, a 15 year survey exhibition 2010 in situ at Drill Hall ANU, MIND & MATTER, a 15 year survey exhibition 2010 in situ at Drill Hall ANU, MIND & MATTER, a 15 year survey exhibition 2010 in situ at Drill Hall ANU, MIND & MATTER, a 15 year survey exhibition 2010 Hourglass Series: Nos. 1-21, MIND & MATTER, a 15 year survey exhibition 2010 Bottled Histories (7 examples from suites I & II), MIND & MATTER, a 15 year survey exhibition 2010 in situ at Drill Hall ANU, MIND & MATTER, a 15 year survey exhibition 2010 in situ at Drill Hall ANU, MIND & MATTER, a 15 year survey exhibition 2010 in situ at Drill Hall ANU, MIND & MATTER, a 15 year survey exhibition 2010 Bloodlight Series: Gesture I, II, III, MIND & MATTER, a 15 year survey exhibition 2010 Orchestre des Promeneurs: Nos 1-33 (a selection and reconfiguration), MIND & MATTER, a 15 year survey exhibition 2010 Venetian Tsukimi: No 2 (new moon to full moon) (foreground), MIND & MATTER, a 15 year survey exhibition 2010

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2010 MIND & MATTER, A 15 Year Survey

Drill Hall Gallery, The Australian National University
27 May–4 July 2010
Curated by Glen Israel

This survey exhibition covers 15 years of creative endeavour in a variety of media and forms by major Australian artist, Marion Borgelt, demonstrating her innovative approach, yet solid grounding in personal ideas and concerns.

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