
2007 Sunday Arts, ABC

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Liquid Light

Liquid Light 56 Degrees

Just like the changing light from morning to nightfall of any day, the Liquid Light works change with the viewer’s movements, each one opening and closing like the pupil of an eye. Every degree of movement reveals yet another image where the game between artwork and viewer endlessly unfolds. ______________________________________________________________________________ ‘A return to the painted …

Tsukimi Series (Glass)

Tsukimi Worlds

Venetian Tsukimi is an arresting, complex piece, intriguing for its originality and mystery. It comprises sixteen Murano glass spheres, progressing from pure crystal to solid black and representing the phases of the moon. The full grandeur of the spheres is revealed on repeated viewing, with the layers of silver leaf and crystal gradually displaying their …

Strobe Series

The Strobe works are abstract large-scale paintings referencing waves of bending, twisting light whose vivid bands of colour are a contrast to the subtlety of Borgelt’s earlier work. The rich, intense hues bring a drama to Borgelt’s oeuvre while keeping true to the artist’s ever-present concern with exploration of optical effects. The foundation of this …

Macrocosmos Sculptures

Syd Contemporary Installs

Every universal body is in constant motion governed by an individual heartbeat possessing its own rhythm. The pulse of the heartbeat can be measured mathematically and subsequently, each mathematical sequence becomes a system for understanding the relationship of the human being to the greater universe and to time itself. Our moon, as it orbits the …

Nothing Is Invisible

Nothing is Invisible

Nothing is Invisible exemplifies a perennial theme in Marion Borgelt’s art practice, that of the human place in the cosmos. The work refers to the compelling mysteries of the universe and the human desire for knowledge. Nano-science and astro-science explore the extremes of the natural world in which we live and persistently remind us that …

Cryptologist’s Memoir

Cryptologists Memoir Generation 2

Marion Borgelt’s Cryptologist’s Memoir series, 2004-07, was inspired by a newspaper article about the death of Yang Huanyi in September 2004 at the age of 98. She was the last living person fluent in Nushu, a secret women’s written language in China that was over a thousand years old. It was believed to have been …


Bloodlight Stack 24 Leaves

Bloodlight Stack Series This forms part of a larger suite of sculptural works that are concerned with exploring the interplay between painting and sculpture through the use of paper. Sheets of paper are painted and stacked in such a way that a sculptural form is created. The backs of the sheets of paper are painted …

Imbol Paintings & Icons and Emblems Series

Imbol Painting Coptic Celtic Kubic No II

‘Marion Borgelt was brought up in the wheat field Wimmera district of rural Victoria, which she attributes to her initial interest in the cyclic nature of the land as evidenced in her early work such as Fire, Wind and Water No 1, of the 1980’s. Her striving to find the structure or essence of nature …

2000 55 Ring Maze, Arthur’s Seat

55 Ring Maze

55 Ring Maze, 2000 Ephemeral cornfield maze, Arthur’s Seat, Mornington PeninsulaPrivate commission Mazes represent the arcane tradition of the labyrinth that acted as a means for spiritual enlightenment for those who entered them. This is particularly true of the early Christian mazes. . The maze dates back to 5th century BC Egypt and was subsequently …


Lunar Circle No. 4

The moon has a powerful allure, brimming with beauty, legend and myth. Its constant presence reminds us of the heavenly bodies beyond our own planet, the vastness of our solar system and the timeless nature of the world we live in. As it orbits the earth, the moon seemingly changes appearance due to its position …